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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ghosts Are People Too

Almost every person I've came across says that there are no people, but only demons. They disguise themselves as the people, but they're either in hell or heaven. On the contrary this is not true. Actually, no one is in hell or heaven now. They wait in a holding place until that time comes, so they have the privilege of buying some time, walking amid the living. People can be so ignorant with this discussion, most very rude about it, but in fact they are wrong about their statement. Yes, there is evil lurking among us too. For we live in a demonic world, invested with such evil. It is evil one can't believe existed in the world.

These people once walked the earth as we did, some have unfinished business because they weren't ready to die. A lot just have a tendency to be stuck in a place they once were in their lives. People have the right to stay in the holding place, or to roam the earth. Ghosts are beings, who were once breathing beings, capable of bleeding and having emotions. These are beings majority have less respect for, because a lack of understanding. Demons will have to reveal themselves, but sometimes they can take over the human's activity in the afterlife. The same as with children ghosts. They were alive, but sadly, their life was cut short.

If you died, how would you feel if someone always claimed you to be a demon? The dead people of the world feels the same way. Often males pose as something sinister and demonic, in reality they were alive at one time. It all depends on the energy the ghost puts off, and what kind of person he/she was when living. Perhaps if someone is bound to hell, it often creates some kind of evil, which seems unnatural. Do keep in mind, most society in the past were different than ours. Most in the US, UK were Christians. Biblical fashions were addressed, and this country was founded on Christianity. I don't mean the world wasn't with the corrupt and the insane, for it was alright.