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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Morse Code

The video seen on Youtube: is a real hearing of a ghost using morse code. Now, earlier we've asked the ghost questions, and it said it was male, and it was a soldier. He told us he was indeed using morse code. So we're like scrambling to understand his codes, and found out the first thing he said was "hi". We cannot make out other sentences, but in this video we believe he was repeating the "hi" message. Perhaps something else too.

What we do

American Ghost Diaries is very distinguished from other investigators, for we do things with only biblical methods. As Christians, we are only accompanied by a priest and no psychics, although we don't have anything against psychics. We assist people with their dilemmas, victims of the haunted only with the word of God. Christ that is. Our goal is to rid a few people of demons, and make the skeptics believe. So many things can be done in a biblical fashion, no one requires going off into the dark dimension. We do not try to discourage anyone from their own beliefs, just share what works for us that's all. 

The Fallen

In most societies, people often forget the sacrifices soldiers long ago have done. Memorial day, other days, even the day of the war, most have forgotten of our fallen soldiers. In the days, males were forced to serve at a young age. Some as young as fifteen, and how shocking that sounds but true. I've been studying on Gettysburg and know a few on hand. I don't mean know personally, know their names. They served until old age, or until dead obviously. The sacrifices and the things they've went through for a cause, some could've been avoidable. However, lives were lost in the major wars of history. It disturbs me knowing their deeds have been forgotten, history is basically a long forgotten thing. Folks these days would whether dwell within senseless agendas.

Memorial day was dedicated for our fallen soldiers, but majority lost sight of what the holiday's purpose was. I think of the ghosts, soldier ghosts who once fought in one of the wars in the past or either recent wars. Sadly, several soldiers are hampered in the battle, needs to know that the war is over and their soul can be at rest depending on their final destination. Majority of these soldiers were Christians, don't know about the soldiers today, but they'll most likely be walking into a bright light.

My team have created a mission to help those fallen soldiers reach their destination. Our goal is to let them realize war is over, however not for the living, but for them. On myspace, we've created a playlist dedicated to not only the soldiers, but to all deceased people. Of course, to also to listen to music related to what we do. Would love to interact with people on Myspace, our fans, or just the curious. Visit if you wish!

Ghosts Are People Too

Almost every person I've came across says that there are no people, but only demons. They disguise themselves as the people, but they're either in hell or heaven. On the contrary this is not true. Actually, no one is in hell or heaven now. They wait in a holding place until that time comes, so they have the privilege of buying some time, walking amid the living. People can be so ignorant with this discussion, most very rude about it, but in fact they are wrong about their statement. Yes, there is evil lurking among us too. For we live in a demonic world, invested with such evil. It is evil one can't believe existed in the world.

These people once walked the earth as we did, some have unfinished business because they weren't ready to die. A lot just have a tendency to be stuck in a place they once were in their lives. People have the right to stay in the holding place, or to roam the earth. Ghosts are beings, who were once breathing beings, capable of bleeding and having emotions. These are beings majority have less respect for, because a lack of understanding. Demons will have to reveal themselves, but sometimes they can take over the human's activity in the afterlife. The same as with children ghosts. They were alive, but sadly, their life was cut short.

If you died, how would you feel if someone always claimed you to be a demon? The dead people of the world feels the same way. Often males pose as something sinister and demonic, in reality they were alive at one time. It all depends on the energy the ghost puts off, and what kind of person he/she was when living. Perhaps if someone is bound to hell, it often creates some kind of evil, which seems unnatural. Do keep in mind, most society in the past were different than ours. Most in the US, UK were Christians. Biblical fashions were addressed, and this country was founded on Christianity. I don't mean the world wasn't with the corrupt and the insane, for it was alright.